JA Performing Arts

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For 9 to 12 year olds

We love to instil confidence in our students and this age group really benefit from our positive teaching methods!

Ballet is amazing for both the body and mind. It is a fantastic way to learn to focus, perform and stay fit and healthy!

These classes will focus on new movements, strength and performance skills. The syllabus work will see students using the Barre for the first time, making sure their technique is improved upon, on a weekly basis. We encourage our students to be confident to start using Ballet terminology from a young age, developing an understanding of the French language. This will be used in each and every class.

Seeing the students transfer their skills from the studio to that stage is incredible, we can’t wait for you to see this too!


4pm – 4:45pm

£18.35 per month


For 13 to 15 year olds

Ballet is amazing for both the body and mind. It is a fantastic way to learn to focus your mind and enjoy learning in a fun, relaxed environment. We encourage your child to leave their school day behind and throw themselves into a rewarding, positive hobby. 

These classes focus on strength and stamina building. The syllabus work will see students using Barre, centre work and pre set choreographed pieces, then working on more technical show pieces too! 

Technique is always one of the main focuses, so we ensure technique is improved upon week after week. We encourage our students to be confident to start using Ballet terminology from a young age, developing an understanding of the French language. This will be used in each and every class.

Seeing the students transfer their skills from the studio to that stage is incredible, we can’t wait for you to see this too!


5.30pm – 6:15pm

£18.35 per month


For 12 to 15 year olds

Friendship, Fun and Feel Good classes! Your child quickly finds a huge sense of achievement in our Tap classes. This age group are so welcoming and friendly, we love seeing them start their journey into the senior part of the school! 

Still remaining focussed on technique and performance, this age group are encouraged to understand what is needed to execute Tap Dance to a higher standard. We work on refining movements that have been previously learned, whilst adding new exercises and choreography. Tap is an intricate art form, so we focus on slightly more complex rhythms and content.


6:30pm – 7:15pm

£18.35 per month


For 12 to 15 year olds

Jazz is one of our most popular classes here at JA! Your child will continue to learn about their body, how to use it and look after it and to work to their full potential. Kicks, leaps, jumps and performances are focussed on, we make sure our students learn in a vibrant setting, whilst working hard and becoming strong and authentic dancers!

Our classes are structured ISTD classes, looking at exercises that incorporate performance skills and technique, still in an exciting setting, but in a little more of a mature way.

In both Modern and Jazz tech, we love seeing the Students experience different types of styles and performing whilst using their own creativity.

Students will now have a good foundation to start to implement their technique in classes. We are continuously encouraging each student, so these classes are perfect for students that are experienced and also students that are new to the JA family.


5:45pm – 6:30pm

£18.35 per month

Jazz Tech

For 12 to 15 year olds


This class runs perfectly alongside Modern, so both classes are taken together! In Jazz Tech, your young person will look at the exciting performance pieces. We use turn boards to enhance pirouettes, turns and core stability and resistance bands to improve on stretching and flexibility! We have Yoga blocks for the more naturally flexible students to push them to their full potential and even dabble in some yoga poses during our cool downs to ease and stretch the body and calm the mind. 

We look at body conditioning and the students love to have a little competition in teams- But fear not, it’s all hidden in vibrant, encouraging excitement! Bursting with personality, Jazz tech is one of our most popular classes of the week! 

Students will now have a good foundation to start to implement their technique in classes. We are continuously encouraging each student, so these classes are perfect for students that are experienced and also students that are new to the JA family.


4:45pm – 5:30pm

£18.35 per month


For up to 14 year olds

If your child is creative, imaginative and fun this class is perfect for them! They will learn how to build characters, the art of improvisation, to showcase their acting skills in group pieces and monologues and to think on their feet!

We focus on learning to warm up our voices, diction, character building and script work. It is important for the students to start to make their own decisions and we encourage all the creativity we can in each class! This class is fast-paced, energetic and really helps the children with self-belief and confidence too.


5:45pm – 6:15pm

£18.35 per month


For 11+ year olds

Acro is such a rewarding genre of performing arts! 

Your young person will build themselves an amazing catalogue of movements, from forward rolls, to cartwheels and hand springs. 

Acro is a very performance based artform, your child will be excited to show you what they’ve learned in class and we are always so impressed by the ability of the children after a few short weeks! 

Most young people want to learn acro moves, so send them to us and let us help them progress safely with our qualified team!

Acro will help with body strength, flexibility and confidence. Acro works perfectly alongside genres such as modern and Jazz, especially when it comes to show term!

It is an amalgamation of both Dance technique and acrobatic movements. The transition is made to be elegant, smooth and dynamic. The new, athletic movements will be added into performances to allow your child to perform what they have been perfecting in class!


1.45pm – 2.30pm

£18.35 per month

Hip Hop

For 11 to 15 year olds

The popularity of this class says it all! Artistic, energetic and a huge amount of fun. Your young person will learn about performance and stagecraft in this ever evolving style of Dance. 

In these classes, we start to focus on strength and lines. We encourage our young people to express themselves and find their own style too! 

We are advocates of physical and mental well being and believe that our performers need to be strong to execute the choreography effectively.

The latest tracks are always on the playlist and our team are always training and learning the newest trends and styles. We make sure we use the most relevant up to date music and movements but also love an old school Hip Hop routine too. 

Our students love this style and we love watching their creations and hearing about how they’ve been practicing! 

Hip Hop is still a technical, precise style of dance with oodles of personality. Perfect for the child that is born to be on stage and also, for the young person that needs a little nurturing and confidence building. 

All of our classes are tailored for all genders and this performance based class is so much fun for everyone.


6:15pm – 7pm

£18.35 per month

Musical Theatre

For 11 to 15 year olds

Musical Theatre is a chance for your teenager to freely express themselves and make decisions about their own performance, working both in a group, with a partner and independently. A real confidence booster, Musical Theatre brings out the best in our performers here at JA!

We focus on developing our student’s creativity. We make sure that we encourage self led rehearsing and working as a real part of a team. After all, Performing Arts is a real team effort, whatever your role! All Musicals focussed on will be age appropriate, this making it easier for the students to base their characters and choices on real life people or situations. 

This is so important, especially for our students that would like to continue to train and have a career in the Performing Arts.

We now start to look at really developing vocal technique and characterisation, again perfect for building confidence and for audition preparation too!


7pm – 7:45pm

£18.35 per month

Primary Ballet

For 7 to 8 year olds

Your child will learn to express themselves creatively in class! Everything learned in lessons is a building block for both the next grade and for performances. Our students bounce out of class each week, desperate to show and tell their adults what they’ve been doing. They may have received a sticker for amazing work, or been asked to hand out the instruments to the rest of their class as a reward for doing such fantastic work. The team make sure we build independence and confidence without the children even noticing!

We love to make sure there we focus on technical tuition but it’s all wrapped up in an energetic, animated journey. We believe that the fundamentals put in by the team now create a long standing love of the arts and by the time the students reach Pre Senior/ Senior Level, they are accomplished Dancers working to their full potential. 

There is an opportunity to work towards ISTD exams from Pre-Primary (approximately Key stage 1) upwards. Please note exams via a successful assessment and are not compulsory.


4:30pm – 5:15pm

£18.35 per month