With a bang, straight into exam prep!
We hope you all had the most wonderful
Summer, the heat this year was crazy, wasn’t it?
We all had a great time, fun with our families and friends and enjoyed the long days, trips to the beach and lots of ice creams along the way.
But, back to class, back to school and back to routine!
Just in case our new families didn’t know, we thought we would explain a little about exam term.
We belong to the ISTD- The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance. We follow their exam syllabus and they are fantastic.
Perfect for the beginner and learning basic technique, through to our seniors and their Major exams.
We give every student the opportunity to be assessed for their exam. Sometimes, it may not be a matter of how long a student has attended, rather the quality of the work they are producing.
We teach each Ballet, Tap & Jazz class (from Pre Primary/ Grade 1 upwards) the required exercises/ amalgamations. We then assess each child and see who will be entered for their exam.
When we assess, we are looking for three things
1- The student knows and most importantly, understands the work and can remember and reproduce this to a good standard.
2- They are feeling confident enough to perform in a different environment with someone new watching
3- Their attendance. These exams are fabulous and fun, however the standard to pass is high. So, we cannot enter a student who’s attendance is poor as they will not have the required knowledge to gain a pass.
We want everyone to have a positive, confidence building experience. So will only ever enter a student if we believe this is what they will have!
Oh! Did we mention that for the Musical Theatre students we are going to be working on our annual December Showcase?
So, all go go go at JAPAHQ and we wouldn’t want it any other way!