JA Performing Arts

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The “hidden” benefits of Dance 

This month, we are looking at the “hidden” benefits of Dance. 

You may be looking for a new hobby for your child. There are a hundred different options from karate, to swimming, to messy play to gymnastics. We know there are some amazing hobbies for children and each and every place provides something different. 

However, we are always a little bias to Dance! (Especially Dance at JA!) 

There are so many benefits to dance. Yes, we keep fit, have a clear weekly routine and learn how to Dance. But we feel that’s just a drop in the ocean. 

Claire and I are both parents and understand the importance of leaving your children with the best possible role models. Our team treat everyone as individuals and understand every single learner is on their own individual journey. 

Some students come to grow in confidence. Some come to make some friends. Others, want to have a career in Dance and progress to Performing Arts college. 

We understand each reason is personal, for some people it may be all of the above! 

Dance brings together a community of completely different people. Whether this is background, interests, we love that we have a complete mish mash of students that are celebrated for their individuality. 

We pride ourselves on finding each students “thing” and pulling it out of them! 

Dance is more than a hobby. It’s something that teaches you respect, humility, to be supportive, to champion your friends and peers. It teaches you to keep going. You may have an odd week where you feel like you’d rather be in your PJs watching Netflix, but you are expected to turn up and work as you have a team to support! 

It teaches you that every person you encounter may not be your “best friend” but they’re your Dance friend and for this reason, you stand together and work as a team. 

We make sure each student is- to put it simply- kind! 

There’s never a whisper, a smirk or a giggle when someone is putting themselves out there and performing on their own- if your child is currently/ ever has been taught by Miss Gem, ask them how she feels about this… 🙃 

And finally, yes we Dance to feel good! We can always be better than we were the week before and our students improve week after week. 

Our team have a million tricks their sleeves to get the very best out of each student and we hope this shows when their red faces come bounding out of classes! 

Your personality and attitude are as (if not more) important than what you can physically do. So we encourage this in our students from a young age and hope they carry this in their day to day life!