JA Performing Arts

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What’s new for Summer?

Happy June everyone!

So, who caught our wonderful students performing at Clacton’s Jubilee Festival?

We managed to have two of our wonderful groups of students perform a lyrical jazz number and a musical theatre jazz number. Both pieces were from our show Platform and we were buzzing to be able to perform these again! Lots of our JA Family were away on holiday, so with a little adjusting and rehearsing, our students went up being tweaked and a little and looking slick!

We LOVE the Summer term here at JA. It brings lots of fresh ideas and fun times ahead. 

This term, we have a Performance coming up at The Regent Theatre, Ipswich. We have been invited to perform alongside some other amazing schools. We will be taking a mix of all age groups and cannot wait to be back in a Theatre!

We have also commenced Exam work in Ballet, Tap & Modern. Students will be assessed and entered into their exam if the team feels they are ready and will have a positive experience! 

Moving on to the end of July, We then have our MOST favourite week of the year….. OUR SUMMER WORKSHOP! The original Providers of Summer Workshops in the area, keep your eyes peeled for our announcement, this year is going to be AMAZING!

We also continue to see our BRAND NEW acro students grow and improve each week! We do have limited trials available, so why don’t you come along and see what it’s all about with our lovely Miss Shakia. 

We are so appreciative of our JA family for all of the love and support they show through each and every performance and class and are so proud of each and every student!

Happy Summer everyone! 

Now… Where’s the sun?